Importing 30GB of data into R with sparklyr
Disclaimer: the first part of this blog post draws heavily from Working with CSVs on the Command Line, which is a beautiful resource that lists very nice tips and tricks to work with CSV files before having to load them into R, or any other statistical software. I highly recommend it! Also, if you find this interesting, read also Data Science at the Command Line another great resource!
In this blog post I am going to show you how to analyze 30GB of data. 30GB of data does not qualify as big data, but it’s large enough that you cannot simply import it into R and start working on it, unless you have a machine with a lot of RAM.
Let’s start by downloading some data. I am going to import and analyze (very briefly) the airline dataset that you can download from Microsoft here. I downloaded the file
from AirOnTime87to12
. Once you decompress it, you’ll end up with 303 csv files, each around 80MB. Before importing them into R, I will use command line tools to bind the rows together. But first, let’s make sure that the datasets all have the same columns. I am using Linux, and if you are too, or if you are using macOS, you can follow along. Windows users that installed the Linux Subsystem can also use the commands I am going to show! First, I’ll use the head
command in bash. If you’re familiar with head()
from R, the head
command in bash works exactly the same:
[18-02-15 21:12] brodriguesco in /Documents/AirOnTimeCSV ➤ head -5 airOT198710.csv
let’s also check the 5 first lines of the last file:
[18-02-15 21:13] cbrunos in brodriguesco in /Documents/AirOnTimeCSV ➤ head -5 airOT201212.csv
Why do that in bash instead of R? This way, I don’t need to import the data into R before checking its contents!
It does look like the structure did not change. Before importing the data into R, I am going to bind the rows of the datasets using other command line tools. Again, the reason I don’t import all the files into R is because I would need around 30GB of RAM to do so. So it’s easier to do it with bash:
head -1 airOT198710.csv > combined.csv
for file in $(ls airOT*); do cat $file | sed "1 d" >> combined.csv; done
On the first line I use head
again to only copy the column names (the first line of the first file) into a new file called combined.csv
This >
operator looks like the now well known pipe operator in R, %>%
, but in bash, %>%
is actually |
, not >
. >
redirects the output of the left hand side to a file on the right hand side, not to another command. On the second line, I loop over the files. I list the files with ls
, and because I want only to loop over those that are named airOTxxxxx
I use a regular expression, airOT*
to only list those. The second part is do cat $file
. do
is self-explanatory, and cat
stands for catenate
. Think of it as head
, but on all rows instead of just 5; it prints $file
to the terminal. $file
one element of the list of files I am looping over. But because I don’t want to see the contents of $file
on my terminal, I redirect the output with the pipe, |
to another command, sed
. sed
has an option, "1 d"
, and what this does is filtering out the first line, containing the header, from $file
before appending it with >>
to combined.csv
. If you found this interesting, read more about it here.
This creates a 30GB CSV file that you can then import. But how? There seems to be different ways to import and work with larger than memory data in R using your personal computer. I chose to use {sparklyr}
, an R package that allows you to work with Apache Spark from R. Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing, and {sparklyr}
not only offers bindings to it, but also provides a complete {dplyr}
backend. Let’s start:
spark_dir = "/my_2_to_disk/spark/"
I first load {sparklyr}
and the {tidyverse}
and also define a spark_dir
. This is because Spark creates a lot of temporary files that I want to save there instead of my root partition, which is on my SSD. My root partition only has around 20GO of space left, so whenever I tried to import the data I would get the following error: No space left on device
In order to avoid this error, I define this directory on my 2TO hard disk. I then define the temporary directory using the two lines below:
config = spark_config()
config$`` <- paste0("", spark_dir)
This is not sufficient however; when I tried to read in the data, I got another error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
The solution for this one is to add the following lines to your config()
config$`` <- "4G"
config$`` <- "4G"
config$`spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead` <- "512"
Finally, I can load the data. Because I am working on my machine, I connect to a "local"
Spark instance. Then, using spark_read_csv()
, I specify the Spark connection, sc
, I give a name to the data that will be inside the database and the path to it:
sc = spark_connect(master = "local", config = config)
air = spark_read_csv(sc, name = "air", path = "combined.csv")
On my machine, this took around 25 minutes, and RAM usage was around 6GO.
It is possible to use standard {dplyr}
verbs with {sparklyr}
objects, so if I want the mean delay at departure per day, I can simply write:
tic = Sys.time()
mean_dep_delay = air %>%
group_by(YEAR, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH) %>%
summarise(mean_delay = mean(DEP_DELAY))
(toc = Sys.time() - tic)
Time difference of 0.05634999 secs
That’s amazing, only 0.06 seconds to compute these means! Wait a minute, that’s weird… I mean my computer is brand new and quite powerful but still… Let’s take a look at mean_dep_delay
# Source: lazy query [?? x 4]
# Database: spark_connection
# Groups: YEAR, MONTH
<int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 1987 10 9 6.71
2 1987 10 10 3.72
3 1987 10 12 4.95
4 1987 10 14 4.53
5 1987 10 23 6.48
6 1987 10 29 5.77
Warning messages:
1: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
Use `AVG(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
2: Missing values are always removed in SQL.
Use `AVG(x, na.rm = TRUE)` to silence this warning
Surprisingly, this takes around 5 minutes to print? Why? Look at the class of mean_dep_delay
: it’s a lazy query that only gets evaluated once I need it. Look at the first line; lazy query [?? x 4]
. This means that I don’t even know how many rows are in mean_dep_delay
! The contents of mean_dep_delay
only get computed once I explicitly ask for them. I do so with the collect()
function, which transfers the Spark object into R’s memory:
tic = Sys.time()
r_mean_dep_delay = collect(mean_dep_delay)
(toc = Sys.time() - tic)
Time difference of 5.2399 mins
Also, because it took such a long time to compute: I save it to disk:
saveRDS(r_mean_dep_delay, "mean_dep_delay.rds")
So now that I transferred this sparklyr table to a standard tibble in R, I can create a nice plot of departure delays:
dep_delay = r_mean_dep_delay %>%
arrange(YEAR, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH) %>%
mutate(date = ymd(paste(YEAR, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH, sep = "-")))
ggplot(dep_delay, aes(date, mean_delay)) + geom_smooth()
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam'
That’s it for now, but in a future blog post I will continue to explore this data!
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