Multiple data imputation and explainability
Imputing missing values is quite an important task, but in my experience, very often, it is performed using very simplistic approaches. The basic approach is to impute missing values for numerical features using the average of each feature, or using the mode for categorical features. There are better ways of imputing missing values, for instance by predicting the values using a regression model, or KNN. However, imputing only once is not enough, because each imputed value carries with it a certain level of uncertainty. To account for this, it is better to perform multiple imputation. This means that if you impute your dataset 10 times, you’ll end up with 10 different datasets. Then, you should perform your analysis 10 times, for instance, if training a machine learning model, you should train it on the 10 datasets (and do a train/test split for each, even potentially tune a model for each). Finally, you should pool the results of these 10 analyses.
I have met this approach in the social sciences and statistical literature in general, but very rarely in machine learning. Usually, in the social sciences, explainability is the goal of fitting statistical models to data, and the approach I described above is very well suited for this. Fit 10 (linear) regressions to each imputed dataset, and then pool the estimated coefficients/weights together. Rubin’s rule is used to pool these estimates. You can read more about this rule here. In machine learning, the task is very often prediction; in this case, you should pool the predictions. Computing the average and other statistics of the predictions seem to work just fine in practice.
However, if you are mainly interested in explainability, how should you proceed? I’ve thought a bit about it, and the answer, is “exactly the same way”… I think. What I’m sure about, is you should impute m times, run the analysis m times (which in this case will include getting explanations) and then pool. So the idea is to be able to pool explanations.
Explainability in the “standard” case (no missing values)
To illustrate this idea, I’ll be using the {mice}
package for multiple imputation, {h2o}
for the machine learning bit and{iml}
for explainability. Note that I could have used any other machine learning package instead of {h2o}
as {iml}
is totally package-agnostic. However, I have been experimenting with {h2o}
’s automl implementation lately, so I happened to have code on hand. Let’s start with the “standard” case where the data does not have any missing values.
First let’s load the needed packages and initialize h2o
functions with h2o.init()
I’ll be using the DoctorContacts
data. Here’s a description:
Click to view the description of the data
DoctorContacts package:Ecdat R Documentation
Contacts With Medical Doctor
a cross-section from 1977-1978
_number of observations_ : 20186
A time serie containing :
mdu number of outpatient visits to a medical doctor
lc log(coinsrate+1) where coinsurance rate is 0 to 100
idp individual deductible plan ?
lpi log(annual participation incentive payment) or 0 if no payment
fmde log(max(medical deductible expenditure)) if IDP=1 and MDE>1
or 0 otherw
physlim physical limitation ?
ndisease number of chronic diseases
health self-rate health (excellent,good,fair,poor)
linc log of annual family income (in \$)
lfam log of family size
educdec years of schooling of household head
age exact age
sex sex (male,female)
child age less than 18 ?
black is household head black ?
Deb, P. and P.K. Trivedi (2002) “The Structure of Demand for
Medical Care: Latent Class versus Two-Part Models”, _Journal of
Health Economics_, *21*, 601-625.
Cameron, A.C. and P.K. Trivedi (2005) _Microeconometrics :
methods and applications_, Cambridge, pp. 553-556 and 565.
The task is to predict "mdu"
, the number of outpatient visits to an MD. Let’s prepare the data and split it into 3; a training, validation and holdout set.
contacts <- as.h2o(DoctorContacts)
splits <- h2o.splitFrame(data=contacts, ratios = c(0.7, 0.2))
original_train <- splits[[1]]
validation <- splits[[2]]
holdout <- splits[[3]]
features_names <- setdiff(colnames(original_train), "mdu")
As you see, the ratios argument c(0.7, 0.2)
does not add up to 1. This means that the first of the splits will have 70% of the data, the second split 20% and the final 10% will be the holdout set.
Let’s first go with a poisson regression. To obtain the same results as with R’s built-in glm()
function, I use the options below, as per H2o’s glm faq.
If you read Cameron and Trivedi’s Microeconometrics, where this data is presented in the context of count models, you’ll see that they also fit a negative binomial model 2 to this data, as it allows for overdispersion. Here, I’ll stick to a simple poisson regression, simply because the goal of this blog post is not to get the best model; as explained in the beginning, this is an attempt at pooling explanations when doing multiple imputation (and it’s also because GBMs, which I use below, do not handle the negative binomial model).
glm_model <- h2o.glm(y = "mdu", x = features_names,
training_frame = original_train,
validation_frame = validation,
compute_p_values = TRUE,
solver = "IRLSM",
lambda = 0,
remove_collinear_columns = TRUE,
score_each_iteration = TRUE,
family = "poisson",
link = "log")
Now that I have this simple model, which returns the (almost) same results as R’s glm()
function, I can take a look at coefficients and see which are important, because GLMs are easily interpretable:
Click to view h2o.glm()
’s output
## Model Details:
## ==============
## H2ORegressionModel: glm
## Model Key: GLM_model_R_1572735931328_5
## GLM Model: summary
## family link regularization number_of_predictors_total
## 1 poisson log None 16
## number_of_active_predictors number_of_iterations training_frame
## 1 16 5 RTMP_sid_8588_3
## H2ORegressionMetrics: glm
## ** Reported on training data. **
## MSE: 17.6446
## RMSE: 4.200547
## MAE: 2.504063
## RMSLE: 0.8359751
## Mean Residual Deviance : 3.88367
## R^2 : 0.1006768
## Null Deviance :64161.44
## Null D.o.F. :14131
## Residual Deviance :54884.02
## Residual D.o.F. :14115
## AIC :83474.52
## H2ORegressionMetrics: glm
## ** Reported on validation data. **
## MSE: 20.85941
## RMSE: 4.56721
## MAE: 2.574582
## RMSLE: 0.8403465
## Mean Residual Deviance : 4.153042
## R^2 : 0.09933874
## Null Deviance :19667.55
## Null D.o.F. :4078
## Residual Deviance :16940.26
## Residual D.o.F. :4062
## AIC :25273.25
## Scoring History:
## timestamp duration iterations negative_log_likelihood
## 1 2019-11-03 00:33:46 0.000 sec 0 64161.43611
## 2 2019-11-03 00:33:46 0.004 sec 1 56464.99004
## 3 2019-11-03 00:33:46 0.020 sec 2 54935.05581
## 4 2019-11-03 00:33:47 0.032 sec 3 54884.19756
## 5 2019-11-03 00:33:47 0.047 sec 4 54884.02255
## 6 2019-11-03 00:33:47 0.063 sec 5 54884.02255
## objective
## 1 4.54015
## 2 3.99554
## 3 3.88728
## 4 3.88368
## 5 3.88367
## 6 3.88367
## Variable Importances: (Extract with `h2o.varimp`)
## =================================================
## variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
## 1 black.TRUE 0.67756097 1.00000000 0.236627982
## 2 health.poor 0.48287163 0.71266152 0.168635657
## 3 physlim.TRUE 0.33962316 0.50124369 0.118608283
## 4 health.fair 0.25602066 0.37785627 0.089411366
## 5 sex.male 0.19542639 0.28842628 0.068249730
## 6 ndisease 0.16661902 0.24591001 0.058189190
## 7 idp.TRUE 0.15703578 0.23176627 0.054842384
## 8 child.TRUE 0.09988003 0.14741114 0.034881600
## 9 linc 0.09830075 0.14508030 0.034330059
## 10 lc 0.08126160 0.11993253 0.028379394
## 11 lfam 0.07234463 0.10677213 0.025265273
## 12 fmde 0.06622332 0.09773781 0.023127501
## 13 educdec 0.06416087 0.09469387 0.022407220
## 14 health.good 0.05501613 0.08119732 0.019213558
## 15 age 0.03167598 0.04675000 0.011062359
## 16 lpi 0.01938077 0.02860373 0.006768444
As a bonus, let’s see the output of the glm()
Click to view glm()
’s output
train_tibble <- as_tibble(original_train)
r_glm <- glm(mdu ~ ., data = train_tibble,
family = poisson(link = "log"))
## Call:
## glm(formula = mdu ~ ., family = poisson(link = "log"), data = train_tibble)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -5.7039 -1.7890 -0.8433 0.4816 18.4703
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 0.0005100 0.0585681 0.009 0.9931
## lc -0.0475077 0.0072280 -6.573 4.94e-11 ***
## idpTRUE -0.1794563 0.0139749 -12.841 < 2e-16 ***
## lpi 0.0129742 0.0022141 5.860 4.63e-09 ***
## fmde -0.0166968 0.0042265 -3.951 7.80e-05 ***
## physlimTRUE 0.3182780 0.0126868 25.087 < 2e-16 ***
## ndisease 0.0222300 0.0007215 30.811 < 2e-16 ***
## healthfair 0.2434235 0.0192873 12.621 < 2e-16 ***
## healthgood 0.0231824 0.0115398 2.009 0.0445 *
## healthpoor 0.4608598 0.0329124 14.003 < 2e-16 ***
## linc 0.0826053 0.0062208 13.279 < 2e-16 ***
## lfam -0.1194981 0.0106904 -11.178 < 2e-16 ***
## educdec 0.0205582 0.0019404 10.595 < 2e-16 ***
## age 0.0041397 0.0005152 8.035 9.39e-16 ***
## sexmale -0.2096761 0.0104668 -20.032 < 2e-16 ***
## childTRUE 0.1529588 0.0179179 8.537 < 2e-16 ***
## blackTRUE -0.6231230 0.0176758 -35.253 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 64043 on 14096 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 55529 on 14080 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 84052
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
I could also use the excellent {ggeffects}
package to see the marginal effects of different variables, for instance "linc"
ggeffect(r_glm, "linc") %>%
ggplot(aes(x, predicted)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), fill = "#0f4150") +
geom_line(colour = "#82518c") +
We can see that as “linc” (and other covariates are held constant), the target variable increases.
Let’s also take a look at the marginal effect of a categorical variable, namely "sex"
Click to view another example of marginal effects
ggeffect(r_glm, "sex") %>%
ggplot(aes(x, predicted)) +
geom_point(colour = "#82518c") +
geom_errorbar(aes(x, ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), colour = "#82518c") +
In the case of the "sex"
variable, men have significantly less doctor contacts than women.
Now, let’s suppose that I want to train a model with a more complicated name, in order to justify my salary. Suppose I go with one of those nifty black-box models, for instance a GBM, which very likely will perform better than the GLM from before. GBMs are available in {h2o}
via the h2o.gbm()
gbm_model <- h2o.gbm(y = "mdu", x = features_names,
training_frame = original_train,
validation_frame = validation,
distribution = "poisson",
score_each_iteration = TRUE,
ntrees = 110,
max_depth = 20,
sample_rate = 0.6,
col_sample_rate = 0.8,
col_sample_rate_per_tree = 0.9,
learn_rate = 0.05)
To find a set of good hyper-parameter values, I actually used h2o.automl()
and then used the returned parameter values from the leader model. Maybe I’ll write another blog post about h2o.automl()
one day, it’s quite cool. Anyways, now, how do I get me some explainability out of this? The model does perform better than the GLM as indicated by all the different metrics, but now I cannot compute any marginal effects, or anything like that. I do get feature importance by default with:
## Variable Importances:
## variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
## 1 age 380350.093750 1.000000 0.214908
## 2 linc 282274.343750 0.742143 0.159492
## 3 ndisease 245862.718750 0.646412 0.138919
## 4 lpi 173552.734375 0.456297 0.098062
## 5 educdec 148186.265625 0.389605 0.083729
## 6 lfam 139174.312500 0.365911 0.078637
## 7 fmde 94193.585938 0.247650 0.053222
## 8 health 86160.679688 0.226530 0.048683
## 9 sex 63502.667969 0.166958 0.035881
## 10 lc 50674.968750 0.133232 0.028633
## 11 physlim 45328.382812 0.119175 0.025612
## 12 black 26376.841797 0.069349 0.014904
## 13 idp 24809.185547 0.065227 0.014018
## 14 child 9382.916992 0.024669 0.005302
but that’s it. And had I chosen a different “black-box” model, not based on trees, then I would not even have that. Thankfully, there’s the amazing {iml}
package that contains a lot of functions for model-agnostic explanations. If you are not familiar with this package and the methods it implements, I highly encourage you to read the free online ebook written by the packages author, Christoph Molnar (who you can follow on Twitter).
Out of the box, {iml}
works with several machine learning frameworks, such as {caret}
or {mlr}
but not with {h2o}
. However, this is not an issue; you only need to create a predict function which returns a data frame (h2o.predict()
used for prediction with h2o models returns an h2o frame). I have found this interesting blog post from which explains how to do this. I highly recommend you read this blog post, as it goes much deeper into the capabilities of {iml}
So let’s write a predict function that {iml}
can use:
predict_for_iml <- function(model, newdata){
as_tibble(h2o.predict(model, as.h2o(newdata)))
And let’s now create a Predictor
object. These objects are used by {iml}
to create explanations:
just_features <- as_tibble(holdout[, 2:15])
actual_target <- as_tibble(holdout[, 1])
predictor_original <- Predictor$new(
model = gbm_model,
data = just_features,
y = actual_target, = predict_for_iml
can now be used to compute all kinds of explanations. I won’t go into much detail here, as this blog post is already quite long (and I haven’t even reached what I actually want to write about yet) and you can read more on the before-mentioned blog post or directly from Christoph Molnar’s ebook linked above.
First, let’s compute a partial dependence plot, which shows the marginal effect of a variable on the outcome. This is to compare it to the one from the GLM model:
feature_effect_original <- FeatureEffect$new(predictor_original, "linc", method = "pdp")
plot(feature_effect_original) +
feature_effect_original <- FeatureEffect$new(predictor_original, "linc", method = "pdp")
plot(feature_effect_original) +
Quite similar to the marginal effects from the GLM! Let’s now compute model-agnostic feature importances:
feature_importance_original <- FeatureImp$new(predictor_original, loss = "mse")
And finally, the interaction effect of the sex
variable interacted with all the others:
interaction_sex_original <- Interaction$new(predictor_original, feature = "sex")
Ok so let’s assume that I’m happy with these explanations, and do need or want to go further. This would be the end of it in an ideal world, but this is not an ideal world unfortunately, but it’s the best we’ve got. In the real world, it often happens that data comes with missing values.
Missing data and explainability
As explained in the beginning, I’ve been wondering how to deal with missing values when the goal of the analysis is explainability. How can the explanations be pooled? Let’s start with creating a data set with missing values, then perform multiple imputation, then perform the analysis.
First, let me create a patterns
matrix, that I will pass to the ampute()
function from the {mice}
package. This function creates a dataset with missing values, and by using its patterns
argument, I can decide which columns should have missing values:
patterns <- -1*(diag(1, nrow = 15, ncol = 15) - 1)
patterns[ ,c(seq(1, 6), c(9, 13))] <- 0
amputed_train <- ampute(as_tibble(original_train), prop = 0.1, patterns = patterns, mech = "MNAR")
## Warning: Data is made numeric because the calculation of weights requires
## numeric data
Let’s take a look at the missingness pattern:
naniar::vis_miss(amputed_train$amp) +
brotools::theme_blog() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))
Ok, so now let’s suppose that this was the dataset I was given. As a serious data scientist, I decide to perform multiple imputation first:
imputed_train_data <- mice(data = amputed_train$amp, m = 10)
long_train_data <- complete(imputed_train_data, "long")
So because I performed multiple imputation 10 times, I now have 10 different datasets. I should now perform my analysis on these 10 datasets, which means I should run my GBM on each of them, and then get out the explanations for each of them. So let’s do just that. But first, let’s change the columns back to how they were; to perform amputation, the factor columns were converted to numbers:
long_train_data <- long_train_data %>%
mutate(idp = ifelse(idp == 1, FALSE, TRUE),
physlim = ifelse(physlim == 1, FALSE, TRUE),
health = as.factor(case_when(health == 1 ~ "excellent",
health == 2 ~ "fair",
health == 3 ~ "good",
health == 4 ~ "poor")),
sex = as.factor(ifelse(sex == 1, "female", "male")),
child = ifelse(child == 1, FALSE, TRUE),
black = ifelse(black == 1, FALSE, TRUE))
Ok, so now we’re ready to go. I will use the h2o.gbm()
function on each imputed data set. For this, I’ll use the group_by()
trick which consists in grouping the dataset by the .imp
column, then nesting it, then mapping the h2o.gbm()
function to each imputed dataset. If you are not familiar with this, you can read this other blog post, which explains the approach. I define a custom function, train_on_imputed_data()
to run h2o.gbm()
on each imputed data set:
train_on_imputed_data <- function(long_data){
long_data %>%
group_by(.imp) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(model = map(data, ~h2o.gbm(y = "mdu", x = features_names,
training_frame = as.h2o(.),
validation_frame = validation,
distribution = "poisson",
score_each_iteration = TRUE,
ntrees = 110,
max_depth = 20,
sample_rate = 0.6,
col_sample_rate = 0.8,
col_sample_rate_per_tree = 0.9,
learn_rate = 0.05)))
Now the training takes place:
imp_trained <- train_on_imputed_data(long_train_data)
Let’s take a look at imp_trained
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
## # Groups: .imp [10]
## .imp data model
## <int> <list<df[,16]>> <list>
## 1 1 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 2 2 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 3 3 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 4 4 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 5 5 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 6 6 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 7 7 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 8 8 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 9 9 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
## 10 10 [14,042 × 16] <H2ORgrsM>
We see that the column model
contains one model for each imputed dataset. Now comes the part I wanted to write about (finally): getting explanations out of this. Getting the explanations from each model is not the hard part, that’s easily done using some {tidyverse}
magic (if you’re following along, run this bit of code below, and go make dinner, have dinner, and wash the dishes, because it takes time to run):
make_predictors <- function(model){
model = model,
data = just_features,
y = actual_target, = predict_for_iml
make_effect <- function(predictor_object, feature = "linc", method = "pdp"){
FeatureEffect$new(predictor_object, feature, method)
make_feat_imp <- function(predictor_object, loss = "mse"){
FeatureImp$new(predictor_object, loss)
make_interactions <- function(predictor_object, feature = "sex"){
Interaction$new(predictor_object, feature = feature)
imp_trained <- imp_trained %>%
mutate(predictors = map(model, make_predictors)) %>%
mutate(effect_linc = map(predictors, make_effect)) %>%
mutate(feat_imp = map(predictors, make_feat_imp)) %>%
mutate(interactions_sex = map(predictors, make_interactions))
Ok so now that I’ve got these explanations, I am done with my analysis. This is the time to pool the results together. Remember, in the case of regression models as used in the social sciences, this means averaging the estimated model parameters and using Rubin’s rule to compute their standard errors. But in this case, this is not so obvious. Should the explanations be averaged? Should I instead analyse them one by one, and see if they differ? My gut feeling is that they shouldn’t differ much, but who knows? Perhaps the answer is doing a bit of both. I have checked online for a paper that would shed some light into this, but have not found any. So let’s take a closer look to the explanations. Let’s look at feature importance:
Click to view the 10 feature importances
imp_trained %>%
## [[1]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 ndisease 1.0421605 1.362672 1.467244 22.03037
## 2 fmde 0.8611917 1.142809 1.258692 18.47583
## 3 lpi 0.8706659 1.103367 1.196081 17.83817
## 4 health 0.8941010 1.098014 1.480508 17.75164
## 5 lc 0.8745229 1.024288 1.296668 16.55970
## 6 black 0.7537278 1.006294 1.095054 16.26879
## [[2]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 age 0.984304 1.365702 1.473146 22.52529
## 2 linc 1.102023 1.179169 1.457907 19.44869
## 3 ndisease 1.075821 1.173938 1.642938 19.36241
## 4 fmde 1.059303 1.150112 1.281291 18.96944
## 5 lc 0.837573 1.132719 1.200556 18.68257
## 6 physlim 0.763757 1.117635 1.644434 18.43379
## [[3]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 age 0.8641304 1.334382 1.821797 21.62554
## 2 black 1.0553001 1.301338 1.429119 21.09001
## 3 fmde 0.8965085 1.208761 1.360217 19.58967
## 4 ndisease 1.0577766 1.203418 1.651611 19.50309
## 5 linc 0.9299725 1.114041 1.298379 18.05460
## 6 sex 0.9854144 1.091391 1.361406 17.68754
## [[4]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 educdec 0.9469049 1.263961 1.358115 20.52909
## 2 age 1.0980269 1.197441 1.763202 19.44868
## 3 health 0.8539843 1.133338 1.343389 18.40753
## 4 linc 0.7608811 1.123423 1.328756 18.24649
## 5 lpi 0.8203850 1.103394 1.251688 17.92118
## 6 black 0.9476909 1.089861 1.328960 17.70139
## [[5]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 lpi 0.9897789 1.336405 1.601778 22.03791
## 2 educdec 0.8701162 1.236741 1.424602 20.39440
## 3 age 0.8537786 1.181242 1.261411 19.47920
## 4 lfam 1.0185313 1.133158 1.400151 18.68627
## 5 idp 0.9502284 1.069772 1.203147 17.64101
## 6 linc 0.8600586 1.042453 1.395231 17.19052
## [[6]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 lc 0.7707383 1.208190 1.379422 19.65436
## 2 sex 0.9309901 1.202629 1.479511 19.56391
## 3 linc 1.0549563 1.138404 1.624217 18.51912
## 4 lpi 0.9360817 1.135198 1.302084 18.46696
## 5 physlim 0.7357272 1.132525 1.312584 18.42349
## 6 child 1.0199964 1.109120 1.316306 18.04274
## [[7]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 linc 0.9403425 1.262994 1.511122 20.65942
## 2 lc 1.0481333 1.233136 1.602796 20.17103
## 3 ndisease 1.1612194 1.212454 1.320208 19.83272
## 4 educdec 0.7924637 1.197343 1.388218 19.58554
## 5 lfam 0.8423790 1.178545 1.349884 19.27805
## 6 age 0.9125829 1.168297 1.409525 19.11043
## [[8]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 age 1.1281736 1.261273 1.609524 20.55410
## 2 health 0.9134557 1.240597 1.432366 20.21716
## 3 lfam 0.7469043 1.182294 1.345910 19.26704
## 4 lpi 0.8088552 1.160863 1.491139 18.91779
## 5 ndisease 1.0756671 1.104357 1.517278 17.99695
## 6 fmde 0.6929092 1.093465 1.333544 17.81946
## [[9]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 educdec 1.0188109 1.287697 1.381982 20.92713
## 2 lpi 0.9853336 1.213095 1.479002 19.71473
## 3 linc 0.8354715 1.195344 1.254350 19.42625
## 4 age 0.9980451 1.179371 1.383545 19.16666
## 5 ndisease 1.0492685 1.176804 1.397398 19.12495
## 6 lfam 1.0814043 1.166626 1.264592 18.95953
## [[10]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureImp
## error function: mse
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## feature importance.05 importance importance.95 permutation.error
## 1 age 0.9538824 1.211869 1.621151 19.53671
## 2 sex 0.9148921 1.211253 1.298311 19.52678
## 3 lfam 0.8227355 1.093094 1.393815 17.62192
## 4 ndisease 0.8282127 1.090779 1.205994 17.58459
## 5 lc 0.7004401 1.060870 1.541697 17.10244
## 6 health 0.8137149 1.058324 1.183639 17.06138
As you can see, the feature importances are quite different from each other, but I don’t think this comes from the imputations, but rather from the fact that feature importance depends on shuffling the feature, which adds randomness to the measurement (source: To mitigate this, Christoph Molnar suggests repeating the the permutation and averaging the importance measures; I think that this would be my approach for pooling as well.
Let’s now take a look at interactions:
Click to view the 10 interactions
imp_trained %>%
## [[1]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.07635197
## 2 idp:sex 0.08172754
## 3 lpi:sex 0.10704357
## 4 fmde:sex 0.11267146
## 5 physlim:sex 0.04099073
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.16314524
## [[2]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.10349820
## 2 idp:sex 0.07432519
## 3 lpi:sex 0.11651413
## 4 fmde:sex 0.18123926
## 5 physlim:sex 0.12952808
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.14528876
## [[3]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.05919320
## 2 idp:sex 0.05586197
## 3 lpi:sex 0.24253335
## 4 fmde:sex 0.05240474
## 5 physlim:sex 0.06404969
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.14508072
## [[4]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.02775529
## 2 idp:sex 0.02050390
## 3 lpi:sex 0.11781130
## 4 fmde:sex 0.11084240
## 5 physlim:sex 0.17932694
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.07181589
## [[5]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.12873151
## 2 idp:sex 0.03681428
## 3 lpi:sex 0.15879389
## 4 fmde:sex 0.16952900
## 5 physlim:sex 0.07031520
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.10567463
## [[6]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.15320481
## 2 idp:sex 0.08645037
## 3 lpi:sex 0.16674641
## 4 fmde:sex 0.14671054
## 5 physlim:sex 0.09236257
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.14605618
## [[7]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.04072960
## 2 idp:sex 0.05641868
## 3 lpi:sex 0.19491959
## 4 fmde:sex 0.07119644
## 5 physlim:sex 0.05777469
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.16555363
## [[8]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.04979709
## 2 idp:sex 0.06036898
## 3 lpi:sex 0.14009307
## 4 fmde:sex 0.10927688
## 5 physlim:sex 0.08761533
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.20544585
## [[9]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.08572075
## 2 idp:sex 0.12254979
## 3 lpi:sex 0.17532347
## 4 fmde:sex 0.12557420
## 5 physlim:sex 0.05084209
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.13977328
## [[10]]
## Interpretation method: Interaction
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## .feature .interaction
## 1 lc:sex 0.08636490
## 2 idp:sex 0.04807331
## 3 lpi:sex 0.17922280
## 4 fmde:sex 0.05728403
## 5 physlim:sex 0.09392774
## 6 ndisease:sex 0.13408956
It would seem that interactions are a bit more stable. Let’s average the values; for this I need to access the results
element of the interactions object and the result out:
interactions_sex_result <- imp_trained %>%
mutate(interactions_results = map(interactions_sex, function(x)(x$results))) %>%
is a list of dataframes, which means I can bind the rows together and compute whatever I need:
interactions_sex_result %>%
bind_rows() %>%
group_by(.feature) %>%
summarise_at(.vars = vars(.interaction),
.funs = funs(mean, sd, low_ci = quantile(., 0.05), high_ci = quantile(., 0.95)))
## # A tibble: 13 x 5
## .feature mean sd low_ci high_ci
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 age:sex 0.294 0.0668 0.181 0.369
## 2 black:sex 0.117 0.0286 0.0763 0.148
## 3 child:sex 0.0817 0.0308 0.0408 0.125
## 4 educdec:sex 0.148 0.0411 0.104 0.220
## 5 fmde:sex 0.114 0.0443 0.0546 0.176
## 6 health:sex 0.130 0.0190 0.104 0.151
## 7 idp:sex 0.0643 0.0286 0.0278 0.106
## 8 lc:sex 0.0811 0.0394 0.0336 0.142
## 9 lfam:sex 0.149 0.0278 0.125 0.198
## 10 linc:sex 0.142 0.0277 0.104 0.179
## 11 lpi:sex 0.160 0.0416 0.111 0.221
## 12 ndisease:sex 0.142 0.0356 0.0871 0.187
## 13 physlim:sex 0.0867 0.0415 0.0454 0.157
That seems pretty good. Now, what about the partial dependence? Let’s take a closer look:
Click to view the 10 pdps
imp_trained %>%
## [[1]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.652445 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 1.687522 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 1.687522 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 1.687522 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.685088 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 1.694112 pdp
## [[2]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.813449 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 1.816195 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 1.816195 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 1.816195 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.804457 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 1.797238 pdp
## [[3]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.906515 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 2.039318 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 2.039318 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 2.039318 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 2.002970 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 2.000922 pdp
## [[4]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.799552 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 2.012634 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 2.012634 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 2.012634 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.982425 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 1.966392 pdp
## [[5]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.929158 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 1.905171 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 1.905171 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 1.905171 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.879721 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 1.869113 pdp
## [[6]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 2.147697 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 2.162393 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 2.162393 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 2.162393 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 2.119923 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 2.115131 pdp
## [[7]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.776742 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 1.957938 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 1.957938 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 1.957938 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.933847 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 1.885287 pdp
## [[8]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 2.020647 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 2.017981 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 2.017981 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 2.017981 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.981122 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 2.017604 pdp
## [[9]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.811189 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 2.003053 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 2.003053 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 2.003053 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.938150 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 1.918518 pdp
## [[10]]
## Interpretation method: FeatureEffect
## features: linc[numerical]
## grid size: 20
## Analysed predictor:
## Prediction task: unknown
## Analysed data:
## Sampling from data.frame with 2013 rows and 14 columns.
## Head of results:
## linc .y.hat .type
## 1 0.0000000 1.780325 pdp
## 2 0.5312226 1.850203 pdp
## 3 1.0624453 1.850203 pdp
## 4 1.5936679 1.850203 pdp
## 5 2.1248905 1.880805 pdp
## 6 2.6561132 1.881305 pdp
As you can see, the values are quite similar. I think that in the case of plots, the best way to visualize the impact of the imputation is to simply plot all the lines in a single plot:
effect_linc_results <- imp_trained %>%
mutate(effect_linc_results = map(effect_linc, function(x)(x$results))) %>%
select(.imp, effect_linc_results) %>%
effect_linc_results %>%
bind_rows() %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(y = .y.hat, x = linc, group = .imp), colour = "#82518c") +
Overall, the partial dependence plot seems to behave in a very similar way across the different imputed datasets!
To conclude, I think that the approach I suggest here is nothing revolutionary; it is consistent with the way one should conduct an analysis with multiple imputed datasets. However, the pooling step is non-trivial and there is no magic recipe; it really depends on the goal of the analysis and what you want or need to show.